paragraph and break tags in HTML

Paragraph and Break tags in HTML.

  • Post category:Web Development
  • Reading time:7 mins read

After giving our HTML document headings and subheadings, it’s time to write and style our first paragraph and break it to the next line. Let’s learn to write a paragraph with various tags within HTML including break tags. This chapter includes paragraph and break tags in HTML.

Chapter 3: Let’s <break> a <paragraph>.


Headers in HTML is written with <h> tag. There are six headers in HTML from h1 to h6.

<h2> Welcome </h2>

Complete guide on headers and attributes in HTML here.


Paragraphs in HTML.


Define paragraph tag:

Paragraph is defined with <p> tag.

<p> Welcome to </p>

As the word suggests, a paragraph tag starts a new line or a new paragraph depending on the text.

Using <p> tags:

Compare the two examples:

Example 1:

<p> Welcome to This is the second chapter of HTML. Learn working with text on HTML. </p>
The above text is one single paragraph. It appears as one single paragraph on the webpage.

Example 2:

<p> Welcome to </p>
<p> This is the second chapter of HTML. </p>
<p> Learn working with text on HTML. </p>
In this example, each sentence is between different <p> element. Hence, each line will appear as different paragraphs.


Complete code of examples:

Below is the code for trying the <p> tag. Code on notepad as an HTML file and run on your system or check your code directly on CheckCode. Learn how to use CheckCode here.


Example 1 code:

<title> Paragraph tag in HTML. </title>
<p> Welcome to This is the second chapter of HTML. Learn working with text on HTML. </p>



Example 2 code:

<title> Paragraph tag in HTML. </title>
<p> Welcome to </p>
<p> This is the second chapter of HTML. </p>
<p> Learn working with text on HTML. </p>



The output of codes:

In example 1, everything between <p> tags is written together. While in example 2, the text is written on separate lines because of new <p> tags for each line.



A paragraph tag does not recognize extra whitespaces or extra lines that appear in the source code. To add whitespaces, we will learn in the text formatting chapter.

Break <br> tag:

<br> tag or break tag forces a break in paragraph and skips to next line.
With <br> break tag, you can skip to a new line without starting a new paragraph. Usually, it is between paragraph tags.

Define <br> tag:


<p>This is <br> a paragraph <br> with line breaks.</p>

Here, <br> is between the <p> element.
Copy and paste this code in the HTML section of CheckCode to see the output.
The <br> will add break each time and skips to the next line or next paragraph.

The <br> tag has no end tag. It is an empty tag.

Example of break tag:

Here is the output and code,

<title> Break tag </title>
<p> The sky is blue <br> and the beach <br> is waiting for you </p>




In the above code, even though everything is between the <p> tags; the break tag forces the paragraph to skip to the next line.

break tag



The difference between paragraph and break tags is that paragraph tag start a new paragraph while break tags will break the tag to the next line instead of a new paragraph.


Below is a summary for easy understanding. Moreover, you can download the image for future reference,



In conclusion, we write a paragraph and break it into HTML. After coding a paragraph, let’s format it with different tags in HTML in the next chapter.



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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Mrk

    nice idea

  2. tr

    please explain shortcode

  3. matt

    blockquote article?

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